feedback from our students

Please note that some images below are not real student photos, for confidentiality. But their feedback is all real! :-)

Maria (EN > IT), ILTD 2022
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Maria (EN > IT), ILTD 2022

“I would rate this course 10 out of 10. I have learnt brand new words with the Legal Glossary, which are helpful to my legal translation profession.”

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Ellen (JP > EN), ILTD 2019
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Ellen (JP > EN), ILTD 2019

“I particularly enjoyed the insight into the kinds of topics that legal translators encounter, through the 'Common Legal Issues' session. Similarly, I also enjoyed the practical comments on translation practice, such as in 'The Essence of Legal Translation', 'Constraints of Bilingual Processing' and 'Revision/Proofreading'. These contained concepts that will be helpful for the translation work I already perform, even though I don't specialise in legal translation currently.”

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Rachel (FR > EN), ILTD 2018
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Rachel (FR > EN), ILTD 2018

“I found the information provided to be useful, along with the explanations of job positions and aspects of English law, as it gives good background information for those with no formal legal training. The idea of creating a glossary is also a good one, as it allows the translator to keep their terminology in one place.”

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