How do Enrolment Bundles work?
With many of our qualifications you have the option to buy a ‘Bundle’. This is where we create a package of different activities which usually includes the online course, as well as other support options such as Translation Practices, Mock Exams and a LanguagePartnerᵀᴹ Mentor Session. Bundles are discounted, so buying them in this format saves money in comparison to buying the course and support options separately.
How do you study with a ‘Bundle’?
Our students have found carrying out the bundle activities in the following order most helpful :
1. Study the course
This is the main content and will take the longest time. Make note of any questions you have, as you go along. Some courses include Translation Practices as part of the course. As you reach these Modules, follow the instructions on the course.
2. Carry out [additional] Translation Practices (TP)
As some courses include Translation Practices already, if there are Translation Practices in the Bundle, these will be in addition to the ones already in your course.
Translation Practices give you the opportunity to practice your translation skills (usually from a past exam paper), see how you get on, and see your results and feedback, so you know what areas to focus on. Your work should improve as you complete each TP.
We will choose and assign your Language Partner when you submit your first TP, and they become familiar with your work as you go along.
Read more about Translation Practices >
3. Have your LanguagePartnerᵀᴹ Mentor session
As some courses include a LanguagePartnerᵀᴹ Mentor session already, if there is a LanguagePartnerᵀᴹ Mentor session in the Bundle, it will be in addition to the one already in your course.
LanguagePartnerᵀᴹ Mentor sessions are online face to face video meetings with an experienced professional linguist who shares your language pair. They are your chance to discuss any translation queries resulting from your TPs, any Interpreting queries you may have, and any other questions you have. Our students find these invaluable. It’s best to do your session/s after you have completed the course learning and any Translation or Interpreting Practice, so that you can discuss how you got on.
Read more about LanguagePartnerᵀᴹ Mentor sessions >
4. Take your Mock Exam/s
Finally, if you have Mock Exam/s in your bundle, it’s best to do them last, preferably within the 1 or 2 months before your actual exams, if you intend on taking the CIOLQ DPSI exam.
When you take your Mock Exams, you will then be using all of the learning, practice and feedback you have gained through the previous stages.